How do I enroll in Camp?
- To be enrolled, we must receive your application and deposit in our office.
- Enrollment will not be complete until we receive your camper’s completed physical, health form, and certificate of immunization (All forms are accessible from the Camp Registration page ).
- We must have all paperwork in our office at least one week prior to the start of camp.
- Cross Bar X reserves the right to refuse admission to any camper that we feel could be a detriment to any other campers.
My child has some behavioral trouble, will that be an issue?
We want every one of our campers to have a positive, memorable experience. Our staff is trained to deal with each child on a one-on-one basis. They are trained to work through behavioral problems that may exist in order to help the camper become more mature and healthy individuals, living in the love of Christ. However, there are times when a camper’s behavioral issues are greater than what our staff is qualified to handle. If you have questions as to whether or not your child’s behavior will be an issue at Cross Bar X it is important that you discuss it with us. Please understand that if your child comes to camp and his/her behavior is beyond our control or causing harm to others, you will be required to pick up your child.
To report any suspected child abuse or if you have any concerns with the child care Licensing of Cross Bar X, you can contact:
Department of Human Services, Division of
Child Care, 1575 Sherman St, 1st Floor,
Denver, CO 80203-1714
(303) 866-5958 or (970) 259-5465.
Why is my child on the wait list?
Campers who meet our income and demographic qualifications and returning campers are given priority for camp registration. Camps do fill up quickly. If a camp fills up, we will place your camper on a waiting list and notify you that your camper is wait-listed. As soon as a spot opens up in the camp, we will contact you. If your camper is wait-listed, it is still a good idea to get all of his/her paperwork completed and sent to the camp. We often have a few no-shows on the first day of camp, so we sometimes even call wait-listed campers on the first day of camp. If your camper is wait-listed and unable to get into the camp, we will return your deposit.
What is CBX’s stance on Gender?
We believe God’s design of a person’s maleness, or femaleness is clear through their biology. Since God creates everything according to its purpose, we believe that a person’s soul is always born with the body it was designed for, therefore, a person’s gender is a person’s sex and vice versa. Campers are required to register in the corresponding camp to the sex they were biologically born.
My child has Special Needs, can they attend camp?
If your child has special needs, please discuss those with us prior to sending in your child’s registration. Look over the activities that we offer and talk with us concerning the camp schedule, meals, and living arrangements if you feel that certain adjustments would have to be made. We can let you know if we are able to meet the needs of your child. Even though we go to great lengths to include all children in our programs, there are certain times when Cross Bar X is not the best option for your child.
Are scholarships available?
Cross Bar X has partnered with several local Churches to provide the full cost of camp scholarships for families that are experiencing financial hardship or have limited resources. Scholarships are limited to those that qualify and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Determination criteria will be based on family size, need, income, and other external factors. Applications are available by calling CBX at 970-259-2716.
Can I contact my camper?
Due to the daily busy schedule and a desire to keep campers focused on camp, we ask that parents limit their contact with campers to the following methods. Family emergencies and special occasions are the exceptions. Campers will not be able to respond to e-mails sent but can send letters from camp in the mail.
Send a letter:
Your camper´s name
C/O Cross Bar X Youth Ranch
2111 County Road 222
Durango, CO 81303
Send an e-mail:
WHat should my child bring to camp?
Here is a list of items to bring and what is not allowed to be brought to camp.