There are many ways to serve at CBX. As a small non-profit ministry that provides summer camp to low-income communities, we welcome staff and volunteers who are willing to raise support to serve.
We also understand that finances are a challenging topic for young adults and that volunteering for a summer may not be financially feasible.
We therefore, have two different models of compensation for you to choose from this summer.
You will receive $250 per week worked. Our summer is a total of 8 weeks, so that works out to $2000 for the summer season.
- We will match every dollar you raise. You raise $25, we match that with $25. This match will cap out at $1500, but if you raise $1500, you could make $3000 during your 8 weeks at CBX.
- We will help you craft a letter, and provide stationary, postage, and time during your summer schedule to raise support.
- For those who are struggling, we will connect you with some of our long-term faithful ministry supporters to help boost your support raising.
- We will not let your needs go unmet. If your car breaks down, you don’t have money for weekend food or have a family emergency that requires urgent travel, CBX will walk with you to make sure these needs get met.
- We will pray with you!
Current available positions: (Click on any link to view the respective job description)
- Summer Counselor
- Kitchen Manager
- Grounds and Maintenance Assistant
May 26th – July 13th 2025 (Optional week from July 14th – 19th)
CBX has been providing a Christ-centered summer camp for socially and economically disadvantaged youth at our 150 acre facility in Durango, CO since 1977. The primary purpose of CBX is to provide high-quality summer camps and youth services at a cost that any family can afford. Our programs are designed to share the truth of Jesus Christ with every camper and help campers grow physically, emotionally and spiritually while having the adventure of a lifetime. Our camp specializes in small cabin sizes (1:5 ratio counselor to camper), single-gender camps, affordability (foster children and at-risk kids attend for free), and Gospel-centeredness. Ask any camper who has ever spent a week with us at CBX is a place you’ll never forget!
As a camp counselor, you will spend 23 hours a day living with campers. You will minister to socially and economically disadvantaged youth. When not counseling (male counselors during a female camp) you will be on “Support Staff” and will work in the kitchen, assist in leading program activities, and other support duties. Counselors will be expected to cooperate in a spirit of teamwork and unity.
You will be asked to show campers Christ´s love in the excitement of camp life. Some of the activities will include leading Bible lessons, one-on-one counseling, hiking, camping, backpacking, swimming or canoeing in the lake, ropes course, skits, and archery. It will be the counselor´s goal to make sure that each camper has been presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ before they leave.
Responsibilities during the CBX summer program:
- Carrying out the camp program with campers
- Looking after the health and safety of campers
- Living with assigned campers day and night
- Developing close, positive relationships with assigned campers
- Promptly attending staff meetings
- Leading or assisting with program activities enthusiastically!
- Participating with campers in all camp activities such as backpacking, skits, games, swimming, singing,
high ropes course, games, except for assigned time off - Preparing and teach assigned Bible lessons
- Making time to meet personally with assigned campers
- Being an active part of the support staff when not counseling. This may include dishes, assisting the
cook, leading, etc. - Assisting crafts and other camp activities, life guarding, and maintenance
- Openly and honestly share needs and concerns with the Camp Director and/or the Program Director
- Promoting unity by not gossiping, using humor that belittles someone, nor showing disrespect for
authority - At the end of each or during camp, filling out camper follow-up forms and writing camper birthday and
Christmas cards - Presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to campers in both group and individual settings, and make sure each assigned camper knows what the Bible says about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Support Staff
- Ranch Hand