There are many ways to serve at CBX.  As a small non-profit ministry that provides summer camp to low-income communities, we welcome staff and volunteers who are willing to raise support to serve.

We also understand that finances are a challenging topic for young adults and that volunteering for a summer may not be financially feasible.

We therefore, have two different models of compensation for you to choose from this summer.


You will receive $250 per week worked.  Our summer is a total of 8 weeks, so that works out to $2000 for the summer season.



  1. We will match every dollar you raise.  You raise $25, we match that with $25.  This match will cap out at $1500, but if you raise $1500, you could make $3000 during your 8 weeks at CBX.
  2. We will help you craft a letter, and provide stationary, postage, and time during your summer schedule to raise support.
  3. For those who are struggling, we will connect you with some of our long-term faithful ministry supporters to help boost your support raising.
  4. We will not let your needs go unmet.  If your car breaks down, you don’t have money for weekend food or have a family emergency that requires urgent travel, CBX will walk with you to make sure these needs get met.
  5. We will pray with you!

Current available positions: (Click on any link to view the respective job description)

  • Summer Counselor
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Grounds and Maintenance Assistant
  • Support Staff
  • Ranch Hand

New Staff Application

Returning Staff Application