Each May, Cross Bar X puts on an annual work week where volunteers come and donate their time and skills to get the camp ready for a season of ministry. Come join us for a great week of fellowship, fun, and an opportunity to serve at CBX! You can register for Work Week at the bottom of this page.
Check our Events page in the early Spring to find out when the next Work Week is scheduled.
Each spring, we take time to prepare the camp for the coming summer. It is a great time of fellowship and accomplishment. We hope that you may choose to be a part of this exciting week. The following questions and answers will give you a better understanding of what takes place during Work Week.
What is the typical Work Week like?
Breakfast is at 8:00am each morning with a devotional thought from the Bible. After devotions, we work on projects until lunch around 12:30pm and then continue until dinner at 5:00pm. After dinner, we relax with games, singing, fellowship, and sleep!
Is there a cost involved?
There is no cost for staying at the camp during work week and all meals are provided though donations are greatly appreciated! $75 per person or $150 per family helps us cover our meal expenses for the week.
When should I arrive and leave?
Many volunteers arrive on the Sunday of and a light dinner is prepared for those who do. If a weeklong commitment is too much, we encourage you to join us for however long you are able. Some choose to leave on the following Saturday, while others may work that day and leave on Sunday.
I have special skills, can I use them at Work Week?
Great! Please let the camp know, before your arrival, of any special skills that you would like to utilize while here. Sometimes we will add special projects tailored to your God-given talents, or we can pre-assign you to a particular project.
Where can I stay during Work Week?
We have lots of beds and rooms to accommodate you and your family during work week, however, we fill up quickly so sign up early if you plan to stay at the camp! We also have several full-hookup RV sites available. When you call or email to register we will assign you accommodations to meet your needs.
Local Service Day
Saturday of work week is Local Service Day! We know that taking time off during the week can be tough, so on Saturday, we encourage local churches, families, and individuals to put together service teams to come help us wrap Work Week up with a bang!
Register for Work Week Now!
Your registration will not be confirmed until you receive an email confirmation from us. For any questions about a registration, please email theranch@crossbarx.org.